Senior Training Commencement
Senior training will commence at Gladstone Park Reserve on Tuesday the 19th of January at 7:30 pm.
Senior training will commence at Gladstone Park Reserve on Tuesday the 19th of January at 7:30 pm.
Junior training will commence on Tuesday the 2nd of February 2021 at 5:30 pm and run until 7:00 pm.
Due to the 5 day COVID lockdown, MPSC's Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was to be held on Wednesday the 17th February 2021, has been rescheduled and will now take place on Saturday 22nd of May 2021 at the MPSC Clubrooms at 12:00 pm. As per our Constitution, the following are eligible to vote: – […]
MPSC would like to invite all past and present members to celebrate the life of our friend, Club legend Peter Coulson who recently passed away. On Saturday the 9th April, our Senior squad will be playing their first home game and we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the clubrooms after […]
Hi All, Whilst we have been using the new Pavilion now for a little while for training etc. MPSC committee would like to advise we are hosting our first Seniors game of the season and the Pavilion opening. Come on down for this special occasion. Further details are on the flyer attached. Thanks. MPSC Committee.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is just around the corner, and we want to clarify who can vote: - Any MPSC registered player over 18 Parent or guardian of a registered MPSC player under 18 Your vote is vital for the election of committee members and influencing the club’s future in 2024. Join us on: […]
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is just around the corner, and we want to clarify who can vote: - Any MPSC registered player over 18 Parent or guardian of a registered MPSC player under 18 Your vote is vital for the election of committee members and influencing the club’s future in 2025. Join us on: […]